December 2020

To consider request for temporary vestibule structure at 133 N. Main

A special council meeting will take place to consider a request for a license to install a temporary vestibule structure onto the sidewalk at Luke's, 133 N. Main St.

The meeting is at 7 p.m., Monday, Dec. 21, via Zoom. Contact Jesse Blackburn at [email protected] for the Zoom invitation.

The first motorized vehicle, radio, airplane, piped water and electricity in a house

Ever wonder who owned the first motorized vehicle in Bluffton? Or, who had the first radio?

How about, who had the first running water hookup, electicity in a house? And, when was the first airplane spotted over Bluffton?

These obscure fact have answers. For the record, here goes:
• Frank Scott, a Bluffton banker, owned the first automobile in Bluffton. The exact date of the purchase is not known, but when he traded it in on his second car in 1904, it was mention in the Bluffton News of his having owned a car for “sometime now."

We opened our time machine and went back to 2011 to 2015

You know the words… “I’ll be home for Christmas.”

We each know that  2020 isn’t exactly a year to come home to. And, because there was no massive elementary holiday music concert with standing room only in the BHS gym, The Icon dug out its time machine.

After all December holiday elementary concerts are among each Icon viewer’s highlights of the year, right?

We set the dial to five of our favorite Bluffton December’s past. Like 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 and even a rare 2011 vintage.

Leigh Ann Alspach, 61, died on Dec. 18, 2020, at the Ohio State University-Wexner Medical Center in Columbus.  Leigh Ann was born Jan. 29, 1959, in Bluffton to the late Donald and Lynn (Swank Millay) Alspach. 

Leigh Ann graduated from the Ohio School for the Deaf in Columbus. She had worked at Shannon Theatre and later at the Mennonite Memorial Home both in Bluffton. Leigh Ann attended the St. John's United Church of Christ, Bluffton, and loved spending time with her pets and her friends. 

Weekend doctor

By Abby Maas, APRN-CNP
Blanchard Valley Obstetrics & Gynecology

Vaginal discharge is the fluid or mucous that comes from the vagina. This is a common concern among women and leads many to see their healthcare provider. Vaginal discharge can be normal unless it occurs with itching, burning, or other bothersome symptoms. Different causes of vaginal discharge can cause similar symptoms. It is recommended to seek examination to determine the cause of a vaginal discharge.

Flu treatment options explained

This story provided by Ohio Northern University HealthWise Pharmacy.

Flu season is here, and that means you or a loved one might have been diagnosed with the flu.

Can the Flu Be Treated?

Yes—the flu can be treated with antiviral medications.

Antivirals are medications that fight the flu in your body. These medications are not sold over the counter. They require a prescription from your doctor.

Antivirals are different from antibiotics because antibiotics are used to fight bacterial infections — not viral infections.

Terri Sue Hites-Suter, 72, died Dec. 17, 2020, at Lima Memorial Health System.  Terri was born August 18, 1948, in Bellefontaine, Ohio, to the late David and Myra (Cox) Grant. On Sept. 25, 2000 she married Walter "Steve" Suter who survives.

Terri graduated from Upper Scioto Valley High School and later graduated from beauty school. Terri had taught at Ohio State Beauty Academy in Lima and retired from Hardin County Job and Family Services. She was a member of the Roundhead United Methodist Church. 

Wrestling, basketball, cheerleaders photos below

Here are the Bluffton High School varsity, junior varsity and freshmen winter teams. The junior high teams were featured yesterday. Click here to view those teams.

Varsity wrestling team
1st row: Caden Habegger, Isaiah Mikesell, Kyle Basil, Thayne Kleman, Junior Carnauba, Tayton Kleman.

2nd row: Coach Kleman, Jeremy Sturgeon, Kaden Basil, Trent Howard, Wyatt Gossard, Coach Kleman.

At BFR's Dec. 23 winter STEM camp • Registration underway now

Bluffton Family Recreation is taking registration for a one-day Winter STEM Camp, according to Daniel Tinch, BFR executive director.

The camp takes place Wednesday, Dec. 23, with early drop-off beginning at 7:30 a.m. at BFR.

Camp starts at 9 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. Late pick-up continues until 5:30 p.m.

“The camp will explore the science of hot chocolate and – fingers crossed – snowballs,” said Tinch. And, there’s lots more winter STEM fun planned, he added.

Bluffton Presbyterian Church will provide an online "longest night worship service" on Monday, according to Karol Farris Schilling, pastor.

The service is at 7 p.m., Monday, Dec. 21. It is online only at: A Facebook login is not required to watch.

"This service provides a time of contemplation for persons struggling this holiday season," she said. 

