All Bluffton Icon News

For the most concise report of the Village of Bluffton council proceedings, the Icon is providing links to PDF documents of the approved minutes which contain

  • Council member motions (requests) for village action with descriptions
  • Votes of council members
  • Whether the motion was approved

These documents will be updated on a monthly basis.

May 23, 2022 Regular Meeting


This is our Bluffton American Legion Post 382 response to the June 3, 2022, Iconoclast View:

This year we asked a Veteran to speak and verbally gave him our guidelines. Some may agree with his ideas, and some may disagree. Either way the speech was not appropriate for Memorial Day. Memorial Day is to honor our fallen comrades. We will in the future give written guidelines so this does not happen again. We have had excellent speakers and will continue to strive in the future to honor the fallen on Memorial Day.

Carol Schooner, 85, passed away June 15, 2022 surrounded by her loving family. 

Carol was born January 25, 1937 in Peebles, OH, to the late Peter and Martha "Mittie" (Ball) Hoop. On October 19, 1978 she married Richard "Dick" Schooner who survives.

Dr. Amy Mullins, associate professor of education at Bluffton University, has been awarded a Bluffton University Research Center grant.

Mullins, an Ada resident and member of the Ada Board of Education, will work on an app and additional literacy resources for young adult students based on her previous work with the phonics resource she developed called “Crack the Code.”

By Karen Kier
Pharmacist on behalf of the ONU HealthWise team

The idiom “wake up and smell the coffee” is used to refer to realizing the truth about one’s situation or to become more aware of what is happening around you. I have heard this phrase more in the last two years than in my previous years. The plethora of misinformation during the pandemic has truly been a difficult situation for healthcare professionals and unfortunately, much of the misinformation is still circulating. The suggestion has been made to wake up and smell the coffee regarding the facts surrounding the pandemic. This idiom applies to so much more as well.  

A better title for this article would be wake up and drink your coffee!  Some recent studies have shed light on the benefits of java or a cup of joe.

The Bluffton Lions Club Festival of Wheels is presenting its 54th annual Festival of Wheels Cruise-In on Friday, June 17. The car, truck, tractor, golf cart, fire engine, motorcycle and Cushman show takes place right down Main and Cherry Streets, which are closed to traffic.

The show attracts serious enthusiasts and those who simply dream of driving down the road in something more glamorous that the family minivan or grocery toter.
