Quiz bowl starts, volunteers needed, memory books coming

Lots of things are taking place in Bluffton schools in January. Here are portions of the elementary school newsletter. The actual newsletter is attached.

FIFTH GRADE QUIZ BOWL SEASON:  Jan. 14 is the first Quiz Bowl match. All matches will be held at Shawnee Middle School. Our team members are: Ethan Blount, Jackson Bowlus, Lucy Casey, Lilly Dagani, Maizie Digby, Braylon Goings, Luke Ginther, Ellie Hartzler, Eli Jones, Nick Lovett, Emma McCall, Lyla McCall, Alayna Mueller, Landon Sehlhorst and coach, Christine McCafferty.

KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION:  It’s time to think about Kindergarten for the 2019-2020 school year.  Any child who will be five years old by Aug. 1, 2019, is eligible to enroll.  In order to develop a kindergarten mailing list, contact the elementary office at 419-358-7951.  The school needs: child’s name, birth date, parents’ names, address, and phone number. You may send the information to [email protected].  All children are required to have their immunizations before starting school. The Allen County Health Department provides immunizations, but appointments must be made. Its website: allencountyhealthdepartment.org.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Reading tutors are needed for Pirate-2-Pirate Intervention Reading Program.  Grandparents are welcome. If interested, contact Mrs. Ackerman at 419-358-7951. 

ELEMENTARY SERVICE PROJECT:  Our Christmas service project for Bluffton Elementary staff and students was, “Coins for Kids!”  We collected $2,840.84 for “Leukemia and Lymphoma.”

ELEMENTARY MEMORY BOOKS:  A colorful, elementary memory book for the 2018-2019 school year will be on sale now until Feb. 14. Informational flyers will be sent home with each student.

P.T.O NEWS:  Please continue to save box tops and Community Market receipts. 

Monday            7         PTO, 8 p.m. – Teacher Lounge
Monday           14        5th & 6th Grade Quiz Bowl, 4:30 p.m. – Shawnee
Friday              18        End of second grading period
Monday           21        No School – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Friday              25        Grade Cards go home with students
Monday           28        5th & 6th Grade Quiz Bowl, 4:30 p.m. – Shawnee

Monday           4         5th & 6th Grade Quiz Bowl Tourney, 4:30 p.m. – Shawnee
Monday            4         PTO, 8 p.m. – Teacher lounge
Monday           11        5th & 6th Grade Quiz Bowl Tourney, 4:30 p.m. – Shawnee
Thursday        14        Yearbook deadline
Monday           18        No School – President’s Day (Make-up day, if needed)
Friday             22        Midterms go home with students