Bluffton Hospital offers vaccines for persons 50 and older

Second update - An earlier announcement on March 16 of 40 and older available for vaccines was premature from the Hancock County Health Department. The correct age for Friday's clinic is 50 and older. 

Bluffton Hospital, a division of Blanchard Valley Health System, will offer another vaccination clinic for the community.

In this phase, individuals who are 50 years of age and older will be available to receive the vaccination, along with those with Type 2 Diabetes and end-stage renal disease.

The clinic will be held on Friday, March 19, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

To register, please call 419.369.2323 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. There are a limited number of vaccines available, therefore vaccines will be given on a first call, first-served basis.

Do not call the hospital directly. Registrations are being streamlined through the vaccination clinic telephone number only. Appointments for the second dose will be made at the clinic when the first dose is administered.

To learn more about the vaccination clinics within our region, as well as the involvement of BVHS in the process, visit