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Bluffton Public Library

If I ran the zoo

I'd bring it to Bluffton every summer - that's what the library did

No need to visit the zoo - because it came to Bluffton.

Toledo Zoo education representatives Nate Dick and Caroline Bearss, brought several animals from Toledo to the Bluffton Public Library on Monday.

Among the visitors were a python, a Mexican porcupine and a tarantula.

The program's focus was on how animals adapt to their surroundings. The event was part of the library's summer schedule of special activities.

Many activities are planned this summer at the library. Friday's events inlcude a craft, culture and cuisine program with Ayane Hida at 2 p.m.

Community Issues: Bluffton: A Transition Town? Carry-in Meal and Conversation

The library will host Community Issues: Bluffton: A Transition Town? Carry-in Meal and Conversation on June 20 at 6 p.m.

Please register by Weds, June 14. 

Bring a dish to share (the library will provide plates, cups, utensils, and beverages) and settle down to dinner and discussion, hosted by Transition Bluffton. Find out what this new Bluffton organization is all about AND how you might get involved! (Hint: community resilience, sustainability, and self-reliance.) Questions are heartily encouraged!

Community Issues: Recovery from Addiction with Narcotics Anonymous of Central Ohio

Community Issues: Recovery from Addiction with Narcotics Anonymous of Central Ohio is on June 13 at 6 p.m. Please register by Saturday, June 10.  Anyone is welcome at this program featuring a panel of speakers from Narcotics Anonymous of Central Ohio.

Kids' Nerf challenge, Quarry Farm visit, Disney flops, native plants

Just a sampling of June's Bluffton Public Library programs

It's summer program time and Bluffton Public Library’s theme for this year is “Build a Better World!”

Here is summary of June events planned at the library.

Sensory Playtime is on June 16 at 10 a.m. Sensory play incorporates art experiences, discovery play, and gross motor activities to stimulate your child’s m

Still time to sign up for June 10 Friends of Library 5-K

4th annual event is Saturday

Registrations are now underway for the Friends of the Bluffton Public Library Saturday, June 10, 5-K Run/Walk for Literacy. This is the fourth annual event.

A registration form is attached.

The run/walk starts at 9 a.m. on College Avenue in front of Bluffton High School.

Complete details are on the registration form.

Summer reading - week 1

Here's this week's (June 5 10 10) schedule for summer reading at the Bluffton Public librayr.


