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Hidden drugs in “brain-boosting” supplements

Researchers find five unapproved drugs in cognitive enhancement supplements

This column provided by Ohio Northern University HealthWise Pharmacy.

A quick look at any store's supplement section will turn up plenty of supplements claiming to boost your brain power. But new research found that these supplements may contain unapproved drugs that could pose health risks.

A new study found that over-the-counter (OTC) cognitive enhancement supplements may contain drugs that have not been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not listed on the label.


FDA warns against supplements containing cesium salts

Five companies under fire for marketing supplements with cesium chloride

This column provided by Ohio Northern University HealthWise Pharmacy.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has sent five companies warning letters for marketing products with cesium chloride.

Cesium chloride, a dietary ingredient, may be found in some dietary supplements. It has been promoted as an alternative treatment for cancer. But the FDA stated that it had not approved any products containing cesium chloride to treat any health conditions, including cancer.

The FDA said it is concerned about the risks associated with these products.


What's important to you, youthful or useful?

Active Aging with Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio

This column is provided by Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio, the area’s trusted senior care provider.  For more information visit or call 419-358-1015. 

Last week at an online conference, Ken Dychtwald, founder, the Age Wave, gave a presentation on Fatherhood. Ken’s suggestions applied to men and how they could be more active and involved with the younger generations.


Staying healthy during flu season

Four ways to stay healthy and avoid the flu this season

This column provided by Ohio Northern University HealthWise Pharmacy.
 Not every sickness gets its own season. Seasonal flu activity often begins as early as October and November and can continue until as late as May.

The flu can threaten us with a potentially dangerous but very avoidable virus. This year's flu season is just getting started. Fortunately, you can take steps to make this year flu-free.

1) Get Your Flu Shot


Happy feet with diabetes

How to take care of your feet if you have diabetes

This column provided by ONU Healthwise Pharmacy.
Diabetes can lead to complications throughout your body, even in your feet. Learn how to keep your feet healthy and happy.

In people with diabetes, the feet face a two-sided attack. First, diabetes can slow blood flow to the feet, which can make it harder for cuts, sores and blisters to heal. Second, diabetes can lead to nerve damage — or neuropathy — that causes your feet to go numb.


What comes after covid-19?

For some, symptoms may stick around for weeks or months

This column provided by Ohio Northern University HealthWise Pharmacy.

For many people who get COVID-19, symptoms end within a couple of weeks. But for others, post-COVID-19 symptoms may stick around for weeks or months.

As the coronavirus pandemic has grown, researchers and health officials have gained new insight into the virus and how it affects people. One thing that has become clear to experts as time has passed is that COVID-19 recovery looks different for different people.

