Your invitation to be part of the Nov. 25 Blaze of Lights parade

90 days and counting.

It's time to start planning your Blaze of Lights parade float or unit entry.

This year’s Blaze, sponsored by the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce takes place on Saturday, Nov. 25, in downtown Bluffton.


Junior Weihrauch is the parade chairperson. Groups interested in being in the parade should mail the application form to:
Junior Weihrauch
20791 State Route 68
Arlington, OH 45814

School starts next week.

Several improvements to the buildings took place this summer. One permanent structure, however, is the building plate of the Bluffton elementary school lobby.

Placed in 1956 when the school opened, it lists the important players in the school system at that time.

At least four hummingbirds visit the Icon's backyard feeders each day. Here's one showing off its acrobatic skills.

This sign says it all about getting back to school. Bluffton High School students are picking up schedules and having photos taken for 2017-18. Those events take place Friday and Monday. The first day of school is Monday, Aug. 28.

16-page EPA requirement forces council to rethink the project

The Bluffton village park pond isn’t dead yet – nor is it filled in yet.

Last fall Bluffton council, on the recommendation of the parks and recreation committee, voted to fill in the pond. The area would be used for either additional parking or another ball diamond.

The pond discussion came up at Monday’s council meeting and some new information has the council re-thinking filling in the pond.

The village learned it would be required to develop a storm water pollution plan covering 16 pages of requirements before the pond could be filled in.

Opinion piece from PeaceVoice

By Dr. Mel Gurtov
This opinon provided by  PeaceVoice Program, Oregon Peace Institute


The problem with Donald Trump’s “fire and fury” statement on North Korea isn’t merely that it intensifies an already tense situation.  Nor is it just another example of Trump’s inappropriate, childish language when faced with a complex issue.
