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Icon introduces new classified/display page look

Icon viewers will notice a new look to the Icon classified/display ad page.

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Interesting footnote to BHS tennis win at Lima Senior

Darrell Groman explains it this way...

Darrell Groman provides an interesting footnote to Bluffton High's tennis win over the weekend in Lima. Here goes:

Many in Bluffton thought the Lima News caption in the Sunday, April 23, Sports Section was a typographical error. The caption with photo on page 4C reads, "Lima Senior's Christian Groman, playing at No. 3 singles, hits a return during Saturday's Lima City High School Tennis Tournament ..." (you can also find the article and photo on their website at


Wild in Bluffton

Lauren Canaday took the Icon's wildlife photo of the week.

Here's what she says about the photo:

"I just watched a pheasant run from my backyard through the neighborhood heading towards College Avenue... 

"I got in my car and found it running through the library's back parking lot, and all through those parking lots until it got to behind the town hall and then I gave up. 

She adds: "I've never seen one before, and wow, can they run!"


Your invitation to take a spring sight-seeing tour of Ada

Photos from Icon's sister publication in Ada

Bluffton Icon and Ada Icon are sharing spring photos this week.

Last week, Bluffton posted photos of our town's spring blooms. We are sharing those photos on the Ada Icon this week.

In return, we're sharing Ada's spring photos.

Please enjoy the photos of spring in Ada - attachment at bottom of story -

The Village of Ada is know for the flowering pear trees that line Main Street each April, but the residential sections of town are decked in beauty as well.  


An April cruise to view Bluffton's spring colors

19 photos of April in bloom in Bluffton

It’s mid-April.

Let’s cruise Bluffton.

In our quick trip you’ll notice lots of reds, pinks and in-between shades as trees put on their spring robes. In a few weeks lots more blooming things will catch our attention.

We’ll watch for those, too.

And, until May comes, here’s Bluffton in its favorite April colors. We’ll start in the middle school front lawn and proceed from there.

Please open the 20-page photo attachment to view our photos.


A tree heron

One of Bluffton's great blue herons enjoys watching Riley Creek from a tree branch. This one, photographed with a cell phone camera spends mornings in the creek, or above it, near Campus Drive.

