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Letter: Census form is simple and easy

Icon viewers:

Completing the 2010 Census Questionnaire: Simple and Safe. The 2010 Census questionnaire ask only a few simple questions of each person- name, relationship, gender, age and date of birth, race and whether the respondent owns or rents his or her home.

This simple, short questionnaire takes just a few minutes to complete and return by mail. The Census Bureau does not release or share information that identifies individual respondents or their household.


What a great comment!

Ryan Lowry is the website developer for the Bluffton Icon and offers technological tips for Bluffton Icon viewers.

One of the greatest features of online news is the ability to share information and ideas with others. In order to expand on this feature, The Icon has been testing out different methods of user comments. At first, we allowed anyone to comment freely. Unfortunately, we began to get bombarded with spam and had to disable comments.


Letter: 10 questions, 10 minutes


What: The census is a count of everyone residing in the United States.

Who: All U.S. residents must be counted- both citizens and non-citizens.

When: Everyone will receive their questionnaire in March 2010 by U.S. Mail or hand delivery.


Letter: Please complete your census questionnaire

In March 2010, households across the country will receive the 2010 Census Form by mail or hand delivery. The initial form package will consist of the initial 2010 Census form, a cover letter, and a postage-paid return envelope.

Responding immediately is the most efficient way to complete the census.

Census workers will visit households that do not return the forms. Home visits cost between $60 and $70 each.


Letter: A little more about Jack Earl


Jack and I both graduated from BC in 1956 and both of us roomed with John E. Rogers III who also graduated with us. John was from Manchester, CT and was a janitor in Ropp Hall for a time.

Jack painted a floor to ceiling mural on the south wall of their room just off the third floor porch in Ropp Hall. The mural depicts John with his trade-mark huge smile holding a push broom. Don't know if it's still there.


Letter: Some thoughts on Ohio license plates

Dear Icon:

From the banks of the Riley on the west edge of Pandora,

Good to see you this AM in passing at the Post Office. The fellow who owns the 600 ZB plates is Leland Badertscher. He isn't related to Maynard. He has had the plates for "15-20 years." The 600 isn't special.

I mentioned to him that that was likely the number which had rotated up and was available that day. The plate numbers for ZB and YZ were available for purchase in numerical order.

