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Letter: From Icon reader Jane Yoder, Louisville

Hi Fred and Mary:

Just a quick note from Louisville...I just LOVE your website and check it out quite often! Nancy Yeager told me about it soon after you were up and running. What a great way for so many of us former Blufftonites to keep in touch with Bluffton! I really appreciate what you and your staff are doing.

Re: the historical picture of the Methodist Episcopal Church Choir...I am wondering if the signature on the back belonged to Harl "Choppy" Mann who was married to Pearl Bogart Mann.


Plaughter update from Haiti

(From Barbara and Arliss Plaugher in Haiti)

Note: This message was sent to several persons in Bluffton, including The Icon, and to St. John's United Church of Christ members.

I called American Airlines and we are still scheduled to fly Friday and Saturday, if the tower at the PAP airport is up.


Dave and Carol Speicher letter to editor

Bluffton Icon:

Carol and I happened to find the Bluffton Icon through Dean Neiswander's obit. It's very interesting and we come back to it almost daily to get updated Bluffton information. Best of luck in your endeaver!

Dave and Carol Speicher

[email protected]


Letter: Last WWI vet is 109 on Feb. 1

Bluffton Icon:

Would you be interested in putting something in the BlufftonIcon inviting people to send a birthday card to Mr. Frank Buckles (the last surviving U.S. WWI veteran)? Mr. Buckles turns 109 on Feb. 1.

I have a draft that people could sign and forward, if they are interested, and have attached it for you. I am going to get my church, the Boy Scouts, my place of employment (Lima Refinery), and some other groups that I'm involved with to print out copies and have them send them on to Mr. Buckles.


Let me tell you about Twitter and RSS feeds

Ryan Lowry is the website developer for the Bluffton Icon and offers technological tips for Bluffton Icon viewers.

I get Bluffton's news delivered straight to my cell phone. I never miss a story. Part of this attachment may be due to my slightly higher level of involvement than the average viewer. However, knowing how to use some of the technology available can be a great thing. I'll start with Twitter.


My attempt at giving Old Man Bluffton a Christmas list


Dear Icon Viewer:

It's a strange feeling to ride in a parade...watching the crowd. This happened to me on Nov. 28. As I rode and watched, I spied a guy who I hadn't seen in town for some time. It was Old Man Bluffton. He retired to warmer clims some years ago, but returns now and then to check up on his real estate.

After the parade, I caught up with him in the Senior Citizens Center and was lucky to give him a Bluffton Christmas list.

