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Physicians letter on returning to school in person

The following letter was issued in August 2021 by 17 Putnam County physicians and nurses, including several that practice in the Village of Bluffton.

Back to school time! We are celebrating the beginning of another school year in person. The question on many minds is whether or not masks are necessary in our schools. And politics aside, all of us, parents, school administrators and staff, grandparents, and all champions of children, have just one concern: What is best for the kids?


Letter: Thank you from Doty's Auto Repair

Icon viewers:

We would like to thank our customers, suppliers, and road crews for their dedication and support of our business while our main entrance has been shut down. We praise the Lord for the support from all.

The new alley is a blessing and will benefit our business for years to come.

Mike Doty


Tree planting Tuesday by CVS Elder Victim Ministry

In honor of older victims, Crime Victim Services’ Elder Victim Ministry program will be dedicate a tree at Lima Towers on Tuesday, June 15, from 10:30-11 a.m., in conjunction with National Church Residences and Lima Towers, 790 S. Main St., Lima.

This tree dedication coincides with World Elder Abuse Awareness Day., said Elysia Bush of Bluffton, program director.


Letter: This is how I got scammed

But, I survived it

Icon viewers:
My name is Charles, and this is how I got scammed, but survived it. 

I was on my computer, using a web browser, and suddenly there came a flash across the screen, saying “This computer is blocked.” This window popped up claiming it was from Microsoft, and that I needed to call this phone number to unblock my computer. 

I couldn’t get it off my screen. I’m a realtor and I need my computer. So I called the number.


Letter: I can't seem to put down "Bluffton Anthology"

Eagerly waiting for the next edition of "A creek runs through it."

Icon viewers:
Much as I try, I can't seem to put down this book I purchased on Amazon  last week. 

Good trick to keep people reading – sprinkle their name onto a page every now and then.  Dang if it doesn't take me all the way back to the summer of 1958 when I moved to 150 Grove Street. 

 Rudi's essay hooked me right off the bat, but tell him for me that gasoline was not 30 cents a gallon, it was 27.9. 

That off my chest, I am collecting a whole bunch of corrections to mistold stories. 


So, you think you know Bluffton?

So, you think you know Bluffton? Okay, where is this? Answer tomorrow.

And, if you really want a brain teaser, the photo below shows this week's "So, you think you know Ada (posted on the Ada Icon)." Answer to this one also tomorrow.

