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Letter: Tom Pannabecker tells about his quarry test

The Icon welcomes viewers to share telling about taking their own quarry swimming test. Send your story to: [email protected]

Icon viewers:
I just watched the video from the Bluffton Public Library's presentation by Fred Steiner.


A message from doctors and nurse practitioners about covid-19

We are part of your communities. We know you, and you know us. As we all deal with COVID-19, we want to be a part of the solution; we want to educate and empower you to be a part of the solution also

Note: Blufton Icon supports the opinions put forth in this letter.

Bluffton Icon viewers:
We, your doctors and your nurse practitioners, are living and working together with you as the COVID-19 pandemic is unfolding.  

We are currently seeing an increasing number of people with this infection in Putnam county and surrounding areas.  We want to do everything we can to limit the spread of COVID-19 and need your help.  


The impact of two serious “illnesses” at the same time is very significant

Not unlike humans, a culture can suffer illness too. Current events prove the point

Icon viewers:
The word “culture” is defined as the customary beliefs, social forms and material traits of a racial, religious or social group. In more basic language, it’s the values and norms a group of people choose to follow as they coexist. Not unlike humans, a culture can suffer illness too. Current events prove the point.


Letter: To the many volunteers of Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio

Dear treasured volunteers:

I hope that this note finds you happy, healthy, and at peace!

This week is National Volunteer Week, and it is hard to say something meaningful and extraordinary in these uncertain times.  Although this is challenging, and changes are being made, we all look forward to the time when again we can unite.


Letter: From Richard Johnson, Bluffton mayor, to the community

Icon viewers:
I would like to take this time one behalf of myself, council members, village administrator and village employees to say thank you to you, our residents, for your cooperation during this crisis that we are all facing.

The respect you are showing for your neighbors and fellow citizens is remarkable.

We have many businesses and organizations that are not being able to open, but are still helping the community in any way they can think of, to strive to keep our community up and running as much as possible.


Letter: A message from the Bluffton postmaster

There is very low risk that this virus is being spread through mail • Anything without postage and not related to USPS business should not be placed in mailboxes

Icon viewers:
The United States Postal Service is committed to delivering your mail and packages throughout the current pandemic.

We are proud of our role in providing an essential service to every community. The one constant throughout this crisis has been our commitment to fulfilling the vital mission of the Postal Service.  

We would like to share the following information and requests:

