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Letter: Huge heartfelt "thank you" from the Leiber and Yeagle family

Icon viewers:
The Leiber (Yeagle) family would like to send out a huge heartfelt "thank you" to Bluffton and surrounding communities! 

All your generosity, cards, prayers and kindness has meant the world to us in our time of grieving the loss of our son, Ethan.


Letter: Ohio Healthcare Plan (Act) awareness

Icon viewers: 

Local residents will be out on the streets of Bluffton on 3-8-21 at 3:30 p.m. to raise awareness for the Ohio Healthcare Plan (Act) that Ohio Legislator Mike Skindell is co – sponsoring.

We will be encouraging people to “Honk for Healthcare” on International Women’s Day! Healthcare issues have become even more critical as 29 million people did not have healthcare insurance in 2019. In 2020, 30% of American workers lost their health insurance an half of them did not get it back.


Letter: Thank you for the article on John Bosiger started the cider press

Icon viewers:
My mother, Gladys Eudora Basinger Bunn was one of 10 children born to Jerimiah and Anna (Diller) Basinger.  

I would like the Icon to know how much the article in the Our Swiss Connections on "Suter cider press was started by John Bosiger," posted on the Icon on Dec. 10 touched my heart.  I have no children, so I don't spend much time studying my family history, but yesterday a cousin from Texas contacted me and asked if I know any Basinger family history. 


Letter: Jim Kinn thanks his "snow angels"

Icon viewers:

 My snow angels appeared the day after the big snow.

My snow thrower broke down and I needed parts. My truck was buried in snow on the street. I started to shovel it out when Ricky and his sister, Zoey, came out of nowhere and asked, “Do you need help, sir?” They made quick work of getting my truck out. When I told Ricky I was going to get my wallet, he said he didn’t want any money.


Letter: A Rog Edwards story provided by Sam Diller

Icon viewers:
David Smucker's story  - click here to read it - brings to mind Rog Edwards story about he and Ralf Steiner and some others riding around setting off fire crackers when Ralf who was driving, lit a big one, and threw it out the window.  Only the window was closed.  That's was the end of the story.  Rog said the explosion did no damage but was very loud.

Sam Diller


Letter: Family reflections on Peggy Ann Bowyer

Icon viewers:

Click here for Peggy Ann Young Bowyer’s obituary.

Peggy Ann Bowyer (Young) lived a long life and devoted herself to raising her children through various bumps, bruises, and more than a few broken limbs. Ever resourceful, she taught herself how to can and freeze vegetables from the family’s large garden and her freezer jam (grape, strawberry, peach, and black raspberry) was much enjoyed by her family.

