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Letter: Remembering classmate Loren Core

Butch Amstutz remembers BHS classmate Loren Core

I have had a few special friends in my life, and Loren Core was one of them. In our Bluffton High School Class of 1964, we had such a fun group of friends.

A few of us had cars in school, and back then, that was a big deal. One of Loren’s first vehicles was Hilty Flowers’ delivery panel truck. If that truck could talk, it would have had a lot of stories to tell about Loren’s driving!


Letter: A flood of memories about my adventures in and along Riley Creek  

Icon viewers: 
Recently, I was catching up on what’s happening in my hometown of Bluffton
and found Fred Steiner’s interesting piece on Riley Creek.

Thank you, Fred, for sharing some of Bluffton’s past.

I do have to comment on his statement “Swimming in Riley Creek is no doubt
something that never interested you.” This brought back a flood of memories
about my adventures in and along Riley Creek.  


Letter: Thank you for your support of the Main Street flags

Icon viewers:
Especially in this pandemic situation, the S.H.A.N.N.O.N. Service Club of Bluffton (in conjunction with the Village of Bluffton, the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Bluffton American Legion) says thank you to the many businesses and individuals who helped to sponsor the 2020 Main Street flag proejct. The cooperation among so many people who helped this project in so many ways is truly inspiring. And the stories behind the people who are honored and memorialized are heartwarming.


Letter:  What we deserve in a president

A President who will demonstrate national leadership and moral courage in times of crisis

Icon viewers:
We the people deserve:

 A President who will demonstrate national leadership and moral courage in times of crisis.

A President who will engage with world organizations for the betterment of all people.

A President who will not assault the truth and facts and who will value a free press and independent judiciary as essential to the survival of democracy.

A President who will encourage voters and safe guard our electoral process.


Letter: Did you lose your Winnie the Pooh?

It's being well cared for, but wants to go home

Icon viewers: 
Note: The Icon will send all responses to this to the caretakes of Winnie.

I'm a poor, lost Winnie the Pooh.

I woke up Saturday evening to find myself wet and alone in Buckeye Park. It was just me and a smelly old pair of sandals... I have no recollection of what happened... next time, I'm calling it quits after the second jar of honey.

Suddenly I heard footsteps coming towards me. I heard two little girls talking. Then I found myself being lifted into the air by little hands, and gently placed in a bicycle basket.  


Letter: Former resident Dave Scoles comments on Riley Creek swimming hole

Icon viewers:
It was nice to read about the "old swimming hole" on Riley Creek. My brothers Russell and Jim and some local friends spent a lot of days in the water just before the dam.  I appreciate keeping up with the Bluffton Icon. We lived at 327 Cherry St. and then moved to Colorado in 1953.  

Thanks forthe memory.
Dave Scoles 
Oro Valley, Arizona

