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Letter: Your April fool's story got me

Icon editor:
You got me. It was a good story, though, and since we are next to
I-75 and people in Bluffton are helpful to everyone, I can see Derek doing
what the story described. Your April Fools stories are getting more and more

Steve Steele


Letter: A request to persons on Bluffton pathways

Please keep your distance at 6 feet

Bluffton friends:
The bike paths are not wide enough for 2 couples to walk past each other 6 ft apart.

Three people walking side by side while pushing a baby carriage is not 6 ft of physical distancing.

Walkers, joggers, bikers in single file, with 6 ft of separation from the person in front and behind you would allow users of the bike paths to pass each other.

Some communities/cities have closed bike paths because physical distancing is not being maintained. Discuss among yourselves.

Corwin Croy


Letter: MHCO's needs hundreds of masks

This letter provides details on how you can help

Icon viewers: 
Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio is thankful for the many volunteers who have given of their time throughout the many years to serve and support the elders of our communities.

Due to precautions taken concerning COVID-19, all volunteer activities have been suspended except for drivers who help with Our Daily Bread - Mobil Meals in Bluffton. 


Letter: We are temporarily shutdown - Lulu's Diner

Justin andAmy Musil: "It's a tremendous honor to serve you and we look forward to doing so again real soon." 

Icon viewers:
We have spent countless hours playing every scenario possible to make things work, but being able to provide our employees (our friends/family) with what they need to make ends meet just isn't possible at this time. It has been extremely difficult the last couple of days as we prepare our locations for this temporary shutdown. 

The thought of not being able to provide the personal service to our patrons, truthfully our friends and family that we have grown to know and love over the years, is a tough pill to swallow. 


"EdChoice voucher program undermines public education"

Letter from six Hardin County school superintendents explains their position

Superintendents for Ada, Upper Scioto Valley, Kenton, Hardin Northern, Ridgemont and Midwest Regional ESC last week posted a letter to citizens of Hardin County stating that Ohio’s growing EdChoice voucher program threatens to undermined the system of public education in Ohio.

Stating several facts about taxes and the voucher program, the letter states:

“Vouchers cost $4,650 for K-8 students and $6,000 each year for high school students, taking money from the public schools to pay for private and parochial tuition.


Letter: Impressed by the sportsmanship of your team and student body

Icon viewers:

I wanted to send you an email to tell you how impressed I was by the sportsmanship of not only your team, but your student body. My wife and I sat directly behind your junior high basketball players at the top of the student section. I was very impressed by how well behaved, polite, and respectful all of them were before, during, and after the game. They even said nice things about Mr. Hanna when we were joking around with them at halftime.


