It is with great pride that Edgar and Lisa Wenger of Bluffton, Ohio and Brian and Vicki Williams of Estero, Florida announce the upcoming wedding of their children, Julia Mae Wenger and Lindzey Page Williams.
Julia was born and raised in Bluffton while Lindzey grew up in Cincinnati. They met attending Xavier University from 2009 to 2013 and earned degrees in Nursing and Sociology, respectively. After completing undergraduate work, Lindzey went on to earn her MBA from their Alma mater in 2015. Julia is a registered nurse and Lindzey is a Social Worker.
LIMA, Ohio--Apollo Career Center, 3325 Shawnee Road, has announced the final High School honor roll for the 2021-2022 school year including the following Bluffton students:
Seventy-five Bluffton High School seniors were transformed into graduates at May 28 commencement ceremonies in the school gym. Family and friends attended the event which began with a slide and video show of graduates--as they appear today and their baby pictures.
A welcome address including Pirate jokes was provided by Luke Shadle.