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Honoring Wayne Matter

Wayne Matter and Sam Diller

The July meeting of the Bluffton Housing Corporation was historic. Wayne Matter, the last remaining original member of the board (he served over 40 years) retired. Photographed with Matter is Sam Diller, who continues to serve as board treasurer, a post he has held since 1971. (Deb Beer photo)


What's for breakfast? Here's the seniors' monthly schedule

Senior Citizens breakfasts for the 2010-11 school year are set, according to Greg Denecker, Bluffton schools superintendent. Each month's breakfast is free for area seniors.

Each breakfast starts at 8:30 a.m. and is held in the middle school cafetorium. During each breakfast a Bluffton school group performs for seasons. The monthly breakfasts are also listed in The Ion calendar.

The monthly schedule follows:

Sept. 8 - Marching band

Oct. 13 - Show choir

Nov. 10 - Drama club

Dec. 8 - Concert choir


Amelia Welch awarded $500 scholarship

Amelia Welch, Mt. Cory, and a 2009 graduate of Cory-Rawson High School has been awarded the Frank Potts Memorial Scholarship of $500.

She will be attending the University of Cincinnati this fall in nursing.The Frank Potts Memorial Scholarship was established in 1999 in the memory of the late Frank W. Potts, for his dedication and commitment in the fire service.


Bluffton Library to celebrate 75 years of service

Bluffton Public Library is busy making plans to celebrate its 75th anniversary during the month of September. "This is a significant milestone to celebrate, though a challenging one to plan, with the loss of nearly 30 percent in state funding last year and further cuts this year," library director Cindi Chasse said.


15 minutes with Joanne Niswander

Joanne Niswander

Where were you born and where did you grow up?

I was born, and grew up, on a farm in central Illinois, just outside the tiny town of Meadows. If you've ever driven across Illinois on US Route 24, you've driven right past my home. It's in amongst all the corn, soybean and oats fields. By the time I was born, our house had electricity, a bathroom, and running water. Some of my friends were not so fortunate.


BFR coed softball tourney this week

BFR's Bluffton Coed Adult Softball League finishes the season with a tournament Aug. 9-11. The nine teams are involved in tournament play Monday through Wednesday nights (games at 6 p.m.and 7:15 p.m. Monday, 7:15 p.m. Tuesday) at the Bluffton village park. The semi-final games will be played at 6 p.m. Wednesday with the final game at 7:15 p.m.

