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Regional news

May 1-23 local weather observations

Editor: Rainfall does indeed vary from one place to another and sometimes from one side of the street to another. 

Weather observations by Guy Verhoff of Pandora

May 1-23, 2022 weather in attached graphic


ACTRA bus routes don't run on Memorial Day

The Allen County Regional Transit Authority will be closed on Monday, May 30 for Memorial Day.

This includes fixed route buses including Bluffton Route 9, uplift vans, and the Transfer Station.

For more information on schedules and routes, visit 


Horner on today's job training, wages and workforce

A message from the Apollo Career Center Superintendent Keith Horner:

I recently read in GraphsandLaughs that there were 11.55 million job openings and 5.95 million unemployed people in March [2022]. This is very close to two jobs available for every job seeker, which is consistent with what we see in this region. Every sector that Apollo works with is experiencing workforce issues.  


Curbside recycling refresher for Village of Bluffton service

Fast food cups can now be recycled

This is the third of three spring cleanup articles. May 24-46 is the Village of Bluffton Cleanup Week, with dumpsters provided for village residents at the Spring St. brush dump.

By Liz Gordon-Hancock

“More than half of the trash you generate can be recycled,” says Rumpke Waste & Recycling, Bluffton’s local waste and recycling provider. 

But, as the saying goes, old habits die hard, so the Icon is providing this refresher on what is currently being accepted by the village curbside recycling program. 

Rumpke will recycle:


Hands off those baby birds

JAMPD tips on abandoned, nesting and fledgling birds

From the Johnny Appleseed Metropolitan Park District (via Facebook):

"The phone calls to the Park Office are increasing every day. Let's have a quick clarification on abandoned, nestling and fledgling birds on this Wildlife Wednesday.

"Abandoned-baby birds (animals) are rare. Unless you physically see the deceased parents near the nest (or burrow or den) DO NOT DISTURB the baby animal.


May 17 Field Report from ODW officer

In the Northwest Ohio-Wildlife District Two report from the Ohio Division of Wildlife, it was noted that State Wildlife Investigator Jeremy Payne, assigned to northwest Ohio, assisted with multiple pollution events in 2021, many of which were reported by a concerned citizen.

These reports allow officers to quickly arrive on the scene and work to determine the cause of the pollution. Ohioans are encouraged to call 1-800-WILDLIFE (1-800-945-3543) to report any dead or dying fish in their local streams.

