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July's Bluffton school board meeting, originally scheduled for Monday, July 15, is rescheduled for 7:30 p.m., Wednesdy, July 17, according to Greg Denecker, Bluffton superintendent. The meeting will take place in the Bluffton Elementary Media Center.



Local resident David Voth, a pioneer in the crime victims’ rights movement in Ohio and the nation, will be recognized on Thursday, July 18, in Columbus during the 10th anniversary celebration of Models of Justice Awards Ceremony, sponsored by the Justice League of Ohio.

The event honoring persons who have protected and advanced crime victims' rights and celebrates the Justice League of Ohio’s decade of service.

Olivia Matthews serves a hot dog during Friday's First National Bank's customer appreciation lunch. Her dad, Brendon, helped out by roasting the dogs. Olivia will be a third grader at Bluffton elementary this fall.

Pandora United Methodist Church, 108 E. Washington St., will hold an ice cream social from 5 to7 p.m., Friday, July 26, in th church Fellowship Hall.

Menu consists of your choice of sloppy joe, hot dog, or chicken sandwich, plus cole slaw, baked beans, and or chicken and noodles.

Also, there will be lots and lots of homemade pies and ice cream. Entertainment will be provided by local acoustic guitarist, Tyler Smith.

Members of the Bluffton High School class of 1948 celebrated its 65th reunion on June 21. Members attending were, front row from left, Ceacle Potee Shields, Peggy Eckenwiler Augsburger, Jean Burkholder Reichenbach, Ester Lugibill Brauen, Marilyn Fett Bullock and Earl Hauenstein. Back row from left, Mary Jane Burkholder Gilliom, Mary Schmidt Amstutz, Don Herr, Maurice Garmatter and Wade Oberly.

Dorothy E. Lloyd, 98, died at 4:40 a.m. July 12, 2013, at Willow Ridge, Bluffton. 

She was born Dec. 15, 1914, in Findlay to the late Charles and Merrine (Montgomery) Lloyd.

She retired from Bluffton Community Hospital in 1982 and also had worked at the Boss Manufacturing Company in Bluffton for 25 years. She was a member of First United Methodist Church, Bluffton, Lima YWCA and Bluffton Senior Citizens Center. 
