All Bluffton Icon News

Baby, it's cold outside! The figurines on "Constellation Earth" on the Bluffton University campus don't care if it's minus 10 or 100 in the shade. They simply continue to form the globe - with or without clothing or hats.

Ten Thousand Villagess suggest Icon viewers cozy up with a tranquil turquoise pot of tea and watch as warmer days drift in.

The Main Street shop currently has seas tones teapots handcrafted in Vietnam for only $49.

The "Class of '70 girls" (Bluffton High School graduating class of 1970) will meet at 6 p.m., Thursday, March 7, at Luke's Bar and Grill, according to Jane Schmidt McCullough, of the class.

Persons wanting more information may contact her at: [email protected]


A Lenten service will be held at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 301 N. Main St., Jenera, on Wednesday Feb. 20, at 7 p.m. 

The theme for the service will be "Names of Wondrous Love-The Truth.  Pastor Bob Krueger from Immanuel Lutheran Church, Findlay, will deliver the message and the students in grades 5-8 will sing "On the Cross Have Mercy."  

A light supper will be served from 5:30-6:30 p.m.  The church is handicapped accessible and all are welcome.  For more information, see


Richland Manor has received high marks from family members in customer satisfaction, as recently measured by the Ohio Department of Aging (ODA). The health campus scored an impressive 91.38 percent in overall family satisfaction, with the statewide average being 85.6 percent.

The Bluffton Icon’s newest advertiser is ExchangeCore Website Development with an office in Lima. The company offers website design and development services for individuals and businesses.

According to Joe Meyer of ExchangeCore, “We also provide several web hosting options for anyone who is looking to publish their site to the web.”

ExchangeCore is operated by Meyer, a 2011 Bluffton University graduate who holds a bachelor’s  degree in Information Technology. His partner, Christopher Hougard, works with clients in Milwaukee, Wisc.
