Plotting your garage sale route just became easier thanks to The Bluffton Icon. The Icon this week launches a garage sale map. The map lists every garage sale posted on The Icon.
"Several garage salers have asked if we could create a map," said Fred Steiner of The Icon. "We've experimented with at least four different versions and are happy to officially launch it.'"
Bluffton council will act on Monday on a proposed enterprise zone designation for Diamond Manufacturing of Bluffton.
The business is located at 505 E. Jefferson St., with offices at 9660 Mayberry Road, Bluffton. The zone grants the property owner tax exemption for the construction of an addition to the business.
According to the ordinance council will act upon, Diamond is enlarging and enhancing its fabrication and welding business. The addition includes 30,000 square feet and is under construction on the north side of the Diamond building.
Andy Foust, Vice President/Internal Audit for Citizens National Bank, recently completed the Certified Community Bank Internal Auditing Program, sponsored by the Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA).
To earn certification, Foust successfully fulfilled the requirements of a comprehensive bank auditing program, including participating in 92 hours of classroom study as well as passing all certification examinations. J. Michael Romey, President/CEO, said of Foust,
Eric Barger of Barger Tech Ltd. is the winner of a $5,000 first-place prize in the Bluffton Center for Entrepreneurs (BCE) 2012 Business Plan Competition, according to Denise Durenberger, BCE executive director.
The Forest-based business was one of nine businesses that entered the competition, which included five seminars taught by Kathy
Keller of the SBDC at Rhodes State College.
It wasn't just a hunch. May was warmer than normal. According to Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer, the average May daily temperature in 2012 was 67.2 degrees. The normal May average daily temperature is 60.2 degrees.
The high reading was 94 degrees on May 27 and again on May 28. The low reading was 43 on May 17.
The May 2012 precipitation was recorded at 4.03 inches. The normal average precipitation for May is 3.67. Most of the May rain came in one swoop. On May 29 it rained 2.25 inches.