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Area teachers can now apply for a McDonald's MAC Grant, which offers financial support to help teachers Make Activities Count for their students.

Local McDonald's Owner, Jerry Lewis, is offering this educational initiative to assist area elementary and middle school teachers with their important job of educating young students.

Recognizing that lessons often become more meaningful when demonstrated with hands-on experiences, McDonald's supplements regular classroom curriculum by supporting activities that the school's budget may not allow.

Blanchard Valley Hospital (BVH) has been awarded the 2011 Environmental Excellence Award from Sterilmed Inc. This means that BVH has been recognized as one of the country's best practice facilities in reducing environmental impact and improving overall health care sustainability through medical device recycling.

"In the past 12 months, Blanchard Valley Hospital has diverted nearly 5,000 pounds of single use medical devices from landfills through reprocessing and recycling efforts," said Marlene Brunswick, director of perioperative services at Blanchard Valley Hospital.

Turn up the heat!

Yeah, it's still a little cold. Bluffton third grader MaKenzy Dauterman expresses her chilly experience in coming down the slide on Monday at the Bluffton Community Swimming Pool.

JoAnne Heaster

How long have you lived in Bluffton? What brought you here? Where did you grow up?

We have lived here for a little over 14 years. We lived in Findlay before moving here. My husband Doug worked at UPS and worked in the Lima center. We moved to Bluffton so he could be closer to work. I grew up in McComb and moved to Findlay when I was 15.

When/where did you graduate from high school/college?

I graduated from Liberty Benton High School in 1987. I went to Findlay College for a year then met my husband and got married in April '89.

Bluffton's Taste of Summer is here and you are invited

The first of three Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce Taste of Summer programs, open to the public, will take place from 4:30 to 7 p.m., Thursday, June 7, at Luke's, 133 N. Main St.

The purpose of these events is to bring people downtown in the summer for a fun evening. It is the chamber's first step in creating a larger summer program of events with the community in mind that promotes downtown businesses.

The winners of this spring's Bluffton Center for Entrepreneur business plan competition will be announced during the Friday morning, June 8, Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce breakfast.

The breakfast meeting is the in the third floor of the Bluffton town hall and is open to the public.

This month's breakfast is provided by Luke's of Bluffton with coffee from Common Grounds.
