All Bluffton Icon News

It's summer and that means it's Vacation Bible School season. Here is the VBS schedule in the Icon viewership area. If your VBS is not on our list, contact us.

June 3-8
Ebenezer Mennonite VBS

8905 Grove Road
6:30-9 p.m.
Title: Sky: Everything is possible with God
More information: 419-358-8588, or [email protected]

A weed with artistic taste

Yes, it's a weed. And, yes, despite that it has artistic charm. You'll find lots of flowering weeds like this one in the Motter Metro Park on Columbus Grove Road.

Kay Amstutz

Kay L. Amstutz, 49, of Rawson, died Sunday, June 3, 2012 5:15 p.m. at the Bluffton Hospital. She was born in Bluffton on Jan. 9, 1963 to Phyllis (Pearson) Amstutz who survives at Rawson and the late James R. Amstutz.

She was a 1981 graduate of Cory-Rawson High School where she was an honors student. She attended the University of Northwestern Ohio to study computer programming. She also held a degree from Bluffton University in Accounting. She worked for the Blanchard Valley Health Assn .in the accounting department.

Icon viewers may now see the updates on the Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio Green House project. Updates are provided in the current issue of "The Visioneer."

Cabinets and kitchen counter tops have been installed in House B and the appliances will be installed soon. The stone work on both homes is nearly completed.

Painting has begun inside House A.

A copy is in the attachment at the bottom of this story.

Richland Manor's fifth annual Friday Night Cruise-In is Friday, June 22, from 4 to 7 p.m., according to Barry Schneck.

The event includes food, entertainment and door prizes.

"Please bring a non-perishable food item as a donation to our yearly independence from Hunger food drive. The proceeds will go to local food banks," said Schneck.

The cruise-in includes dozens of antique and muscle vehicles. Richland Manor is at 7400 Swaney Road, Bluffton. For more details, contact Schneck at 419-643-3161.

Bluffton-Pandora Youth for Christ weekly summer pool parties start this week, according to David Glick, director.

The pool parties are from 9 to 10:30 p.m., each Wednesday during the summer now through Aug. 8.

"Cost is $3 and students who have completed grade 6 through 2012 graduates are welcome to any of our summer events," said Glick.

For more information contact YFC at 419-358-9365. Ask for Glick or Hannah Slechter.
