All Bluffton Icon News

Ryan Radebaugh

15 minutes with Ryan Radebaugh

From what high school and what year did you graduate from high school?
Riverdale High School- 2004

How about college?
Bluffton University

Where do you live now?
I live right above the Common Grounds.

So that means we'll see you outside Common Grounds in the summer?
Definitely. Especially on Saturday mornings!

Bluffton University has announced reductions in employment levels effective July 1.

"These reductions are in response to Bluffton's need to operate on a somewhat smaller scale which is in better alignment with current enrollment," President James M. Harder said. "These are difficult decisions because they affect members of this community whose work has been important to the university and who are our colleagues and friends."

The June Maple Crest events calendar is now on The Icon for viewers. It is an attachment at the bottom of this story.

Eight years down, four to go

Can you tell? School's out for summer. Eighth graders to be freshmen, from left, Rachel Moser, Sara Matter and Kaity King show their excitment when then final bell of the year rang. Watch for a video soon.

Denny with some of his collection

Denny Edinger, Bluffton postal employee, brought in a crowd to the Maple Crest "Men-N-Friends" group as he presented his antique post card collection on May 25.

Edinger and his wife, Jane (resident services coordinator at Maple Crest), who have always enjoyed antiquing at flea markets, found themselves drawn to colorful, quaint post cards, particularly holiday cards.

The Icon spotted this plate in Rockport. There's another one there that's very similar to this one. You'll see it here next.
