All Bluffton Icon News

Green House tour

Laura Voth, CEO of Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio, last week talked with guests who toured the Green Houses under construction across from Maple Crest on Augsburger Road.

Danny J. "Crazy Dog" McDougle, 58, died Thursday, May 17, 2012, at 1:30 p.m at his residence in Dola, Ohio.

He was born on Dec. 11, 1953 in Kenton, Ohio, to Thomas Jay and Ruby Eleanor (Sparrow) McDougle. His father survives in Dunkirk, Ohio, and his mother preceded him in death.

Mr. McDougle worked for Tower Automotive, Bluffton. He was a graduate of Hardin Northern High School. He was a member of the NRA, National Muzzle Loaders Association, Liberty Conservation Club and Disabled Veterans of America.

Amy and Jared Byers completed their first full Marathon on Sunday, May 20. They ran the Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon and despite temperatures in the 80's they finished smiling.

The Icon asks, "What are you up to this summer?" Tell us, send a photo and the next thing you know, you may be in the Iconoclast column being viewed by hundreds...yes, hundreds of viewers.

Send info to: [email protected].

Bluffton will observe Memorial Day on Monday, May 28. The Bluffton American Legion Post 382 will lead a parade from the town hall to Maple Grove Cemetery. Chad Cupples of Bluffton is this year's speaker.

The parade will start at 9 a.m. Persons interested in participating should be at the town hall at 8:45 a.m.

The Bluffton American Legion Post honor guard will lead the parade
followed by the Bluffton High School band.

"We ask that all citizens to please remove their caps to show respect for the American flag," said Dennis Morrison of the Legion Post.

Story and photo by Jake Dowling, Icon summer intern
Isaac Schumacher of Bluffton, a sophomore graphic design major at Bluffton University, loves to sketch and draw.

"When I was a kid, I liked to do little cartoons," he said. "Even though I never believed it would become an actual career, it has always been a passion of mine."

Little did he know that his talents are helping students in classrooms all over Ohio this spring.

The Bluffton Senior Center is traveling to the Hawaiian Islands from Sept. 1 to 12 and you are invited.

The group will be travel with Country Travels Discoveries who will take the group to the big sites in Hawaii as well as several farms.

Three islands will be visited, Oahu, the Big Island and Maui. Volcanoes National Park, the USS Arizona Memorial and the Pacific Hilo Tsunami Museum and some of the sites that will be visited. There will also be plenty of time to relax on the beach.
