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Bluffton University^aEURTMs May Day court are (from left) junior chairpersons Laurie Nofziger of Lyons, and Jonathan Luginbill of Bluffton; Queen Chalsi Eastman of Norwalk; King Alexander Woodring of Sherwood; senior attendant Bethany Bowman of Piqua; and senior escort Nathaniel Stroud of Troy.

Bluffton University has announced its 2012 May Day court, which was elected by the student body and will be honored during the annual May Day celebration at 11 a.m. Saturday, May 5, on the Centennial Hall lawn. The rain location is Founders Hall.

May Day is one of the oldest traditions at Bluffton. In addition to the crowning of the king and queen, the day's events include the Maypole dance by first-year students and recognition of graduating seniors.

Joan Frederick of missElaineous QVC Corner, 417 N. Main St., Bluffton, announces that a new shipment of merchandise is in the shop.

New products, while supplies last, include:

o Diamonique earrings...Epiphany Diamonique, 2.00 ct., 100 facet, round studs.

She says that the QVC price is $25 plue $4.47 for shipping and handling. However, the price in the Bluffton shop is only $17.

missElaineous QVC phone is 419-358-0001.

Connie Kruse of Town and Country Flowers, 121S. Main St., Bluffton, reminds Icon viewers that this is Secretary's Week (or Administrative Assistants Week).

To help persons interested in showing recognition to secretarys and administrative assistants, Town and County Flowers has a great selection fo blooming plants and fresh cut arrangements.

Town and Country Flowers telephone is 419-358-4040. The shop delivers.

Pomp and circumstance

Youngsters enrolled at Bluffton Child Development Center held their annual graduation ceremony on April 24 in the old BHS gym. Here are some of the grad parading into the gym. Click for a video.

With the passage of the March one-quarter income tax levy the village is gearing up for major water line replacement work. The projects address problem water mains in the village have are believed to cause rusty colored water.

Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator, outlined the replacement procedure with Bluffton council members on Monday evening.

He said that the village service department is reviewing the plans and is 95 percent finished with that step of the process.

Julie DeGraw

Dr. Julie DeGraw, a dean at the College of Lake County in Grayslake, Ill., has been named vice president for student life and dean of students at Bluffton University. She will assume her new duties in mid-July.
