All Bluffton Icon News

Jonathan Luginbill and his father, Doug, are experiencing a role reversal. Their switch didn't happen instantly or overnight, courtesy of some supernatural, made-for-the-movies phenomenon. This one was 32 years in the making.

Karel Oxley Bluffton commencement speaker

Karel Oxley, superintendent of Lima City Schools, will be the Bluffton University commencement speaker on Sunday, May 6. The ceremony will begin at 2 p.m. in Salzman Stadium.

In her speech, titled "The Greatest Gift ...," Oxley is scheduled to discuss giving one's self to the community.

By Natalie Nikitas

One and one-half million in population, 30.2 percent residents below the poverty line, and 17 percent positive for AIDS: perhaps not the dream vacation for most people yet for senior Allie Radomski it was her perfect destination.


Bluffton pioneer photographer, Will A. Triplett, had an interesting sense of humor. This photo is a photographer's "set up."

There are several items to check.

For example, the colt on the ground is playing dead, the boy in the chair holds the horse harness, but so does the dog - also sitting in a chair - behind the boy.

There are probably other set ups in this photo and unfortunately the joke is on us, because people of 2012 may not see what else is going on in the photo.

Bluffton Hospital is now offering free screening mammograms to low and middle income women and men through the Hancock County Mammography Screening Initiative (HCMSI). Participants do not need to live in Hancock County to qualify. Funding for this initiative is provided by the Northwest Ohio Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure and The Findlay-Hancock County Community Foundation.

Free mammograms will be offered for those who meet eligibility criteria related to age, breast cancer risk, household income, and health insurance coverage or a lack of health insurance.
