Psst...want to help Bluffton Elementary win $15,000 in new computers? All you do is vote

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If you could help the Bluffton elementary school get a chance to win $15,000 toward the purchase of new computers, would you chip in and help? Certainly you would.

The way to participate is pretty simple. Here's how it works:

To help improve school technology funding in Allen and surrounding counties, Cartridge World is giving local schools the chance to win $15,000 to be used toward the purchase of new school computers.

"As a member of the northwest Ohio business community, we are excited to support our local schools and hopefully provide one of them with an entire classroom of equipment," Dan Lee, operations manager of Cartridge World Lima said.

"Three schools will win $15,000 checks. All you have to do is vote for your favorite school at by March 31," said Lee, who lives in Bluffton.

From March 15-31 parents, faculty, family and friends can vote in the contest. Three winning schools will be chosen by online voting and random drawing, and the winners will be announced by April 30. The winning schools can use the funds to purchase computers, technology, books or school supplies.

Local schools that have opted to participate in the contest include: Bluffton Elementary, Ada Exempted Village Schools, Allen East, Apollo Career Center, Hardin Central Elementary, Ottawa-Glandorf Local Schools, St. Gerard, and St. Anthony of Padua.

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For more information about Cartridge World Lima located at 2100 Harding Hwy. and 927 N. Cable Rd. in Lima, contact Lee at (419) 999-9276 or [email protected], or log onto