Big Brothers Big Sisters seeking adult mentors

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Allen County invite adults, college and high school students to consider volunteering as a mentor to youth this school year, according to John Neville, director of the program.

Several opportunities are available to mentor youth ages 6 to 14 (firstthrough eighth grade). Big Brothers Big Sisters offers a program in the Bluffton schools.

"Our program works around the mentor's schedule," said Neville. "We matchmentors with children whose interests are similar. Men are matched with boys. Women are matched with girls."

Mentoring may take place either in the youth's school during school hoursor in the community after school and on weekends.

Neville said that youth in the program need companionship, guidance and apositive role model. He added that Big Brothers Big Sisters seeks a one-year commitment from mentors.

Statistics show that youth with mentors improve their attitudes towardothers, improve their grades in school and their school attendance.

Persons interested in more information may contact the Big Brothers BigSisters office, 122 E. Market St., Lima, or call 419-222-8500.

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