Saturday invite from Bluffton tree commission

National Arbor Day is Friday, April 30.

The Village of Bluffton will celebrate the event on Saturday, May 1, at 3 p.m. with the planting of three conifer trees at the south end of the soccer fields at the village park, according to Jon Sommer of the Bluffton Tree Commission.

“All are invited to participate in this event, keeping in mind social distancing,” he said.

“You are also encouraged to plant a tree of your own leading up to or on Arbor Day.

 “Any size is great, large or small, including trees that Bluffton Elementary School students received earlier this month, said Sommer.

Submit a photo of the planting which will be included in a photo collage of Bluffton Arbor Day 2021 trees, published in the Bluffton Icon and included in the Village of Bluffton’s application for continuing Tree City USA status with the National Arbor Day Foundation.

Send your photo to [email protected].

In submitting the photo you are consenting to having it published publicly.