It's Girl Scout cookie time
Through March 17, local Girl Scouts will be participating in the Girl Scout Cookie Program, selling nine varieties of fan-favorite cookies across northwest Ohio. The annual event is the world’s largest entrepreneurial program for girls.
- February 16, 2024: cookie booths open
- February 16, 2024: order online from a nearby troop
This year’s theme, Unbox the Future, aims to remove social barriers that often keep girls boxed in. When bold, goal-getting Girl Scouts sell a package of cookies, they’re doing much more than what’s seen at face value. Girl Scouts are developing vital entrepreneurial skills that not only build courage, confidence and character, but provide for the lifelong, transferable ability to overcome obstacles and break barriers.
Girl Scouts also build business and financial skills earning a variety of related badges and awards, including Cookie Business badges, Financial Literacy badges, Cookie Entrepreneur Family pins and Entrepreneur badges.
This season, cookie lovers can enjoy the full assortment of Girl Scout Cookies, including the perennially popular Thin Mints®, Caramel deLites®, and Peanut Butter Sandwich, as well as the Lemonades® and Toast-Yay!™ cookies previously not available in our region.