Summary of January 2025 Bluffton School Board meeting

By Betsi Werling

The Bluffton Exempted Village Schools Board of Education held its first meeting of 2025 on Tuesday, January 14. This public meeting included the Board’s annual reorganization proceedings to establish meeting times, dates and leadership positions.

In the future, school board meetings will now be held monthly on Mondays at 5:00 p.m. The meeting schedule (subject to change) is as follows: 

February 10

March 17

April 28

May 19

June 30

July 21

August 18

September 15

October 20

November 17

December 15



The Board voted on leadership roles. Roni Kaufman will serve as the Board President and Alice Basinger will serve as the Board Vice President for 2025. 

Treasurer Paula Parish and the Superintendent Greg Denecker were authorized to conduct business on behalf of the district. 

The Board approved continued use of TIPS-USA Interlocal Purchasing System. This allows discounts when making purchases for the district. 

A Memorandum of Agreement for the Middle School Esports team was approved with Trystann Eyerly serving as advisor. 

Among contracts, assignments and resignations, the following items were approved: 

Jodi Parker is retiring after 28 years of service. The district will be searching for a 2nd grade teacher. 

Rebecca Cox was hired as a part-time Cafeteria Worker. Chasity Taylor will have increased hours and will serve as the Assistant Cook. Britney Web also had increased hours approved. 

Substitute teachers and student teaching assignments were approved. 

In addition, the following supplemental contracts were approved: 

Volunteer Asst 7th Grade Boys Basketball - Wade Ginther 

Volunteer Asst HS Wrestling - Kaden Basil 

Middle School Esports - Tristan Eyerly


Mr. Scoles shared that the All Boards meal with Apollo will now be on March 20, 2025 and asked the Board members to tentatively put on their calendars. 

Principal Mike Minnig shared that high school students had exams this week. He said that some students would be attending Apollo’s 411 Blast, a Career Day event,  on January 31.

Elementary principal Kori Bernal shared that the Christmas fundraiser for the Soccer Complex raised $1,200 and a generous donor would be matching the funds. She also noted the school will be having its first curriculum meeting in February. 

Technology Coordinator Courtnee Morris reported that he will be going into some of the English classrooms to help with new devices.

Superintendent Greg Denecker reported that legislation for State funding may be changing and he along with other Superintendents were lobbying to retain the Fair School Formula.