Peter Suter of Shirley's Gourmet Popcorn, 117 S. Main St., announced that "White Chocolate Peppermint" is Shirley's popcorn flavor of the month for December. Store hours are Thursdays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Fridays 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturdays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Shirley's website is
Chiles-Laman Funeral and Cremation Services held its annual Tree of Remembrance Service for all families served by the funeral home on Dec. 4.
According to Gordon Diller, "If you were unable to attend the service and did not get your personalized ornament please call the funeral home at 419-358-2051 to arrange to pick up your ornament."
Pau Yoder created the funny video we showed earlier this week on the Iconoclast. He also created this very moving video of the Blaze of Lights on Nov. 26.
The video starts with the ice sculpture and moves to the Blaze parade, crowd scenes, turning on of the Ream lights, moves to the Bluffton High School show choir, the Giving of Giving light extravanza and finishes with a panoramic view of the Ream display.
Yoder shares the video with Icon viewers. He is the son of Mark and Julie Yoder of Rockport Road.
Everything at Et Cetera Shop is on sale for one quarter - if you are kid from kindergarten to sixth grade. The shop's annual Kid's Shopping Day Sale is from 9 a.m. to noon, Saturday, Dec. 10, according to Chrissy Lugibihl, manager.
"Every gift a youth from kindergarten to sixth grade purchases during sale hours will go for 25 cents each, no matter what the tag says, "said Lugibihl. "There is a limit of 10 gifts per child."
Downtown Bluffton windows are the most decorative of any community in northwest Ohio. Here's a view of the Et Cetera Shop window. Click for details on Saturday kid's shopping special.
Jacob Atkins (right), a Bluffton University senior from Spencerville, looks over donated food items while Rachael LeFever (left), a junior from Orrville, makes a donation Saturday, Dec. 3, in Bluffton's Founders Hall.
Atkins and other students in a "Planning for Special Events" class hosted "A Season of Giving" at the day's men's and women's basketball games, where they collected more than 700 items-enough to fill 18 boxes-for the Bluffton Community Assistance Food Pantry.
The Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce has the answer for persons trying to find a gift for that difficult person on your list. The chamber suggests to give the person a Bluffton chamber gift certificate.
Certificates are available at Citizens National Bank. Simply ask one of the tellers you are interested in a certificate. The certificates are available in any denomination. There is no extra charge to purchase a certificate. They are actually a check drawn on the chamber's checking account. The gift certificates may be used in any Bluffton business over the next 12 months.