What is it with Christmas lights? Every year, they work fine all through Christmas and are still shining brightly when I take them down and store them away for the next year.

But 11 months later, I pull them out of storage, plug them in and...nothing. Absolutely nothing. No lights. Not a single one on the string.


Santa Claus will greet youth of all ages at The Curling Iron, 129 N. Main St., from 11 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Dec. 17.

The Village Cut & Curl, 212 Cherry St., will hold a cut-a-thon for the Bluffton Relay For Life this weekend, according to Lynda Best of the shop.

The cut-a-thon is from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 10.

"Bring canned goods for a discount," she said. "All food donations go to Bluffton food pantry."

Persons may call 419-358-7593 for an appointment. Walk ins are welcome; first come first serve.

Hannah Shelly of Bluffton, began a one-year term of Mennonite Voluntary Service August 2011 in Rochester, N.Y., as Media Arts assistant with Visual Studies Workshop.

A 2011 graduate of Eastern Mennonite University (Harrisonburg, Va.), Shelly is the daughter of Lisa and Art Shelly.

Message to Andrew Bixel:

My wife and I enjoyed the Bixel interview. My wife, Joy, is also a Hope College graduate, and I am a Bluffton College graduate. Small world. We have been married 45 years. Kindly pass along to Andrew that the liberal arts of both colleges make for an ideal relationship.

Thanks NSB,

Santa Claus will greet youth of all ages at The Curling Iron, 129 N. Main St., from 11 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Dec. 17.

Just a bit late for Thanksgiving - but we serve this with poultry and pork all year.
The texture and flavor are a perfect foil for the somewhat bland recipes often served for holiday season. My Grandmother Vanden Brink was the first person who I recall having made this recipe. She used her old hand grinder - attached to the side of the kitchen table - handle slowly turned, to prevent the squirting of those pesky cranberries.
The relish freezes well and keeps through several months.

Jean T. Long

Jean's Fresh Cranberry Relish

When she was 23 years old, Kathy Yoder was struck with an illness that ultimately led to two liver transplants.

Those traumas reminded the Eastern Mennonite University graduate how fragile life can be. "At 23, you don't think about writing your own funeral plans," she said.

Her health issues led her to consider spirituality in a different way and, while recovering from her first transplant, she felt the call to the ministry.

Bluffton University will present its 116th performance of Handel's "Messiah" at 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 11, in Founders Hall. The event is free and open to the public; a free-will offering will be taken.

Dr. Mark J. Suderman, professor of music and director of choral activities at the university, will conduct the oratorio for the 11th time at Bluffton, where he has taught since 2000.

Ebenezer Mennonite Church children's choir, Disciple Singers, will present the Christmas musical "Angels we have Heard" Sunday, Dec. 11, at 7 p.m.

Join Sam, Halo, Slim, Skyler, Holly, and a host of angels as they prepare to make the biggest announcement ever-the birth of Jesus. As the heavenly host prepare for the big day, they think it should be announced in Paris or Rome, anywhere but Bethlehem. Nothing ever happens in Bethlehem.
