The Bluffton American Legion Post 382 will observe Veterans Day, Friday Nov. 11, during a 10:30 a.m. assembly at Bluffton High School

Speakers for the observance will be Bluffton American Legion Post Commander John Wagner, Misha Groman, Senior Patrol Leader of the Bluffton Boy Scouts and Morris Groman.

The assembly is for all Bluffton High School and Middle School students. The public is also invited to attend.

The women of English Lutheran Church will lead a thankoffering worship service at 9 a.m., Sunday, Nov. 13, in support of the quilt ministry of the congregation's sewing group.

Every year the English Lutheran sewing group puts together anywhere from 90 to 100 quilts, which are then sent off to help persons in need throughout the world through the relief agencies associated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, such as Lutheran World Relief, Lutheran Disaster Response and the World Hunger Appeal.

The Bluffton Athletic Boosters will hold a meet the team spaghetti dinner from 4 to 6 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 19, in the middle school gym.

Persons may dine in or carryout. Meet the athletes begins at 5 p.m.

Tickets are $6 each, which includes spaghetti, salad, bread, dessert and beverage. Check with a Bluffton athlete for tickets or contact the High School or Middle School office.

Jason Troutner (left) and Gavin Donley placed first and second, respectively, for the second straight year at Bluffton University^aEURTMs annual math contest for high school students.

Jason Troutner, a senior at Worthington Kilbourne High School, had the top score for the second straight year at Bluffton University's annual mathematics contest for high school students, held Nov. 5. Repeating as runner-up, meanwhile, was Gavin Donley, a home-schooled senior from Mansfield.

Yuliya Klochan, a sophomore at Worthington Kilbourne, and Findlay High School senior Michaela Marincic tied for third in the 10th annual event, in which 80 students from 19 high schools-plus home-schooled students-competed.

Grace Mennonite Church, Pandora, will hold a holiday bake sale, book sale, garage sale and breakfast, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 18-19, at the church in Pandora.

The bake sale and book sale will take place on Friday from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. and Saturday 8:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Books are from the Faith and Life Books and Gifts Shop, Berne, Ind., Proceeds of the bake sale will benefit the Grace youth group activities.

Ten percent of the book sales will be donated to the Pandora Community branch library.

Some license plates are ordinary. Other have style. This plate spotted earlier this month in Bluffton has "STYLYN."


The building at the corner of State Route 12 and Pandora Road in Pandora at once time was the McDowell-Marshall Buick dealership. Here's a Leland Gerber photo of the building showing early 1950 Buick models.

Heavy metal

Harvest time always brings out interesting vehicles on rural Bluffton roads. Here's some traffic on Road R during last week's corn and soybean harvest.
