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ADA⎯Noteworthy Community Choir is holding auditions for Voices, a children's choir, on Thursday, September 15 from 7:00 -8:40 p.m. Group auditions of 20 minutes each will run children through a few warmups, singing “Are You Sleeping” in unison and as a round, and a few pitch matching exercises. 

Voices will rehearse Thursday evenings from 7:00-8:00 p.m. on October 20, November 3, 10, 17, and December 1 and 8.  A concert is scheduled for December 11. Children participating in Voices will be given music files to sing along with between the audition and the first rehearsal.  

The Village of Bluffton has announced the following public meeting to be held at Bluffton Town Hall, 156 N. Main St.

  • Pathway Committee on Thursday, September 1 at noon.

Have the latest copy of Good Housekeeping nearby? You'll find the Bluffton home of Home Theology's Lauren Macke.

Winning ticket numbers from the August 27, 2022 Discovery Day have been annouced by the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce:

1st prize 607373

2nd prize 607339

3rd prize 607388

To claim your Bluffton Bucks prize, you must present the winning ticket to the staff at the Bluffton Public Library, 145 S. Main St.

Prizes must be claimed by the next Discovery Day, September 24.

Director Jim Enneking reports that 937 tickets were distributed by participating businesses.

Bluffton First United Methodist Church has announced a Community Breakfast:

  • 7:00-10:00 a.m.
  • Saturday, September 10
  • 116 Church Street, Bluffton

Free-will donations will be accepted.


Find this and other Bluffton area events on our Classifieds page under "Events of Interest."

The State of Ohio marks August 31 as Ohio Overdose Awareness Day, "an opportunity to remember loved ones lost to an overdose, recognize those who have a substance use disorder and are working toward recovery." It's also a good time to become more familiar with the resources available for those in crisis.
