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By Andy Chappell-Dick

Bluffton's third floor meeting room was packed on the evening of Monday, May 23, as Village Council met for their regular meeting, but much of the discussion was anything but regular. More than forty spectators were on hand.


The first order of business was Mayor Rich Johnson performing the solemn duty of swearing in a new police officer. Skyler Noble took the oath as the Village's newest full-time officer, and afterward received a hearty round of applause.


Dina Tadena is retiring after working at the Bluffton Middle School as a math teacher for the past 22 years. She previously taught at the Apollo Career Center High School and has a combined total of 34 years at area schools. The total number of students she taught? What would you guess? 

Editor: Rainfall does indeed vary from one place to another and sometimes from one side of the street to another. 

Weather observations by Guy Verhoff of Pandora

May 1-23, 2022 weather in attached graphic

A slice of history is displayed in the window of Book ReViews at 123 S. Main St. This sign is a replica of one used following World War II in the American Zone in  Kaiserslautern, Germany. The following photo provides more detail.

The Apollo Career Center May board meeting is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 26, 2022 in Apollo's Board room.

The career center is located at 3325 Shawnee Rd., Lima.

The full agenda for the regular board meeting is attached. Items include 

Photos by Jamie Nygaard and Bluffton Icon

The May 18 Night at the Museum hosted by Bluffton Middle School was a star-studded, high-drawing event, which featured students who selected a career, country or historical figure to study, dressed according to that topic, and created a poster presentation to share with visitors to the living museum.

The displays created rows around the middle school cafetorium and filling the gym. Friends, neighbors and families including younger siblings snaked their way past the displays.
