By Ericca Lovegrove, RD, LD
Center for Healthy Weight and Nutrition
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
For toddlers, snacking is a very important part of the day. Unlike adults, they need to eat more frequently to maintain their energy levels. Healthy snacks help control toddler hunger while providing a nutritious boost, but how can parents ensure their little ones will still be hungry for dinner after a day of snacking? Here are some tips to help structure your toddler’s diet and not spoil their dinners.
GROB Systems of Bluffton will host a 2022 Apprenticeship Class orientation and signing day from 9:00 a.m.-noon on June 4. New apprentices and their families will learn more about what to expect from the GROB Apprenticeship Program, and they will also celebrate each student choosing this path after high school by participating in a signing day photo opportunity.
As a part of the 6th Annual Made in Ada Wilson Football Festival, the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce is coordinating a Punt, Pass & Kick USA, Inc. (PPK) competition on the afternoon of Saturday, August 27. Ada VFW Post 9381 is the sponsor for the 2022 PPK competition.
Young football fans will have the opportunity to exhibit their football skills at Ohio Northern University’s Dial Roberson Stadium beginning at 1:00 p.m. Registration will begin at 11:30 a.m. and the competition will commence at 1:00 p.m.
The competition is free and open to boys and girls ages 6-15.
Summer Storytime at Bluffton Public Library is for infants to Pre-Kindergarten who will get to talk, sing, read, write, and play with fellow Storytime Friends. This is a great way to engage your little one in social cues and how to make friends while listening to stories.
Monday evenings at 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday mornings at 10:00 a.m.
Registration is required.
Scan the QR code on the flyer with your phone camera
Drone pilot Joel Dunifon provides a 5:00 video of Bluffton High School Seniors in the process of putting their mark on College Avenue in BIG painted graphics and text.