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JAMPD tips on abandoned, nesting and fledgling birds

From the Johnny Appleseed Metropolitan Park District (via Facebook):

"The phone calls to the Park Office are increasing every day. Let's have a quick clarification on abandoned, nestling and fledgling birds on this Wildlife Wednesday.

"Abandoned-baby birds (animals) are rare. Unless you physically see the deceased parents near the nest (or burrow or den) DO NOT DISTURB the baby animal.

Aloha Summer! is the theme for Bluffton Family Recreation's May 31-June 3 day camp:

"Finally saying Aloha to Summer! Surf into the start of summer vacation with a week full of water, sun, and exploring the amazing outdoors! We want each and every day at camp to feel like a vaca for our campers! Come join us to start camp with a positive and welcoming vibes! Make sure to bring your water clothes."

The Icon is enamored with "Old Pictures of Forgotten Ohio" an online collection of pictures that includes this bird's eye view of downtown Bluffton in the age of horse and carriage. What's gone or forgotten from our downtown? Canvas awnings, horse poop, skylights, wood frame buildings and telephone poles, to name a few.

In the Northwest Ohio-Wildlife District Two report from the Ohio Division of Wildlife, it was noted that State Wildlife Investigator Jeremy Payne, assigned to northwest Ohio, assisted with multiple pollution events in 2021, many of which were reported by a concerned citizen.

These reports allow officers to quickly arrive on the scene and work to determine the cause of the pollution. Ohioans are encouraged to call 1-800-WILDLIFE (1-800-945-3543) to report any dead or dying fish in their local streams.

Bluffton University was recently named to the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society’s 2022 Transfer Honor Roll in recognition of the dynamic pathways the university has created to support transfer students.

Bluffton is one of the 171 colleges and universities selected for the honor. Colleges were named based on PTK’s “Transfer Friendliness” rating.

By Bill Herr, Icon columnist

What is the greatest example of friendship between two individuals you have ever known? My choice is two of my former students at Bluffton High School, Matt Schweingruber and Eric Smith.

Matt graduated in 1994. He next went to Taylor University (Indiana) and graduated with a degree in education. Today Matt and his wife, Shirley, live in Yonkers, New York. He teaches fourth grade at PS 128, the Audubon School, in New York City. Matt loves teaching.
