An 1880s manufacturing business in Bluffton

Note: The Icon acquired a manuscript titled “A Brief History of Bluffton’s Industrial Developments.” This publication was prepared by the classes in Marketing and Small Business Administration from Bluffton College, under the director of Dr. Howard Raid. Publication date is May 1959. We’ve updated some current addresses so viewers may identify locations.

Romey and Steinhower Manufacturing 1880s-1895

Henry Allen Romey and a Mr. Steinhower started a furniture manufacturing business in Bluffton in the 1880s.

Known as Romey and Steinhower Manufacturing Co., it was primarily a cabinet shop with additional items made on the side.

The first location was between Main and Spring streets. It later relocated to the corner of Main and Riley. Steinhower eventually sold his interested in the business to Romey.

Romey moved the business again in 1875, and added to it an undertaking business.

He operated the furniture and undertaking business for the next 15 years until he sold it in 1890 to a Mr. Brown.

Reference: Elmer Romey
Interviewer: Roger Risser