Bluffton Ohio Historical Society granted 501(c)(3) status

The next meeting of the Bluffton Ohio Historical Society is 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 13 at Bluffton Town Hall.

The Bluffton Ohio Historical Society (BOHS) has crossed another hurdle towards the preservation of local Bluffton and Richland Township area historic objects and facts.

When the BOHS received a qualifying letter from the IRS in late August–in less than a month since applying, the timing was quite a surprise. As of August 22, 2023, the BOHS is officially qualified by the IRS as a 501(c)(3). 

In late July, the application was filed with the US Department of the Treasury’s Internal Revenue Service for BOHS to obtain not-for-profit status. The process can take from several months to a year for organizations to hear whether they qualify as a public charity, thus qualifying them to receive tax deductible contributions, whether they be bequests, devises, transfers or gifts.    

The application required a mission statement and purpose for the organization – which had already been defined within the BOHS Bylaws. 

For further information, please contact BOHS President Ron Epp at [email protected] or Bluffton Ohio Historical Society, P.O. Box 221, Bluffton, OH  45817.  

Monthly meetings are the second Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. at Bluffton’s Town Hall, third floor.  The public is invited.