The Pandora United Methodist Church will be hosting a free community meal from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on Wednesday, September 24 in the church fellowship hall, 108 E. Washington Street, Pandora.
The meal this month is provided by Rebecca Circle. The menu will be ham slices, scalloped potatoes, green beans, dessert and beverage.
NOTE: What some consider Ada's story of the century, the Ada United Methodist Church steeple was placed atop the church on Sept. 4, as construction to the building continues. The following story was written for the Ada Icon and is shared with Bluffton Icon viewers.
A well-deserved and impromptu round of applause.
That sound resonated throughout Main Street Ada at 10:40 a.m., Thursday, Sept. 4, marking the successful lifting and placement of a 18,000-pound steeple (9 tons) atop the Ada First United Methodist Church.
On Sunday, Sept. 7, you may see a bunch of bright yellow T-shirts all over town. Those shirts will be worn by members of English Lutheran Church as members participate in the second annual "God's Work, Our Hands - Day of Service" event.
Rev. Kevin Mohr, pastor, said, "Following a brief worship service that morning at 9 a.m., members of English Lutheran will join with congregations throughout our denomination (the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) in doing service projects for the community, for neighbors, and for the church."
The MOPS Mom to Mom sale is holding registration for tables at their upcoming event, which will be held from 9 a.m. to noon on September 13 at Ebenezer Mennonite Church.
Participants can register for 3 rectangular or 4 round tables for $15, or 2 round tables for $7. To reserve a space, call Jennifer at 419-296-4835 or Denise at 419-306-7781.
Naked Truth Event, women's conference, is scheduled Friday and Saturday, Oct. 3-4, at Shawnee Alliance Church, Lima, according to Kathy Burrus, chair of the event.
Burrus said, "Ever wonder what God’s opinion is about passion and intimacy in marriage? How does your spiritual health influence your sexual health?"
The Pandora United Methodist Church will be hosting a free community meal on Wednesday, August 27 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in the church fellowship hall, 108 E. Washington Street, Pandora.
The meal this month is provided by the Mission Committee. The menu will be hamburger/hot dog, potato salad, chips, brownie and beverage.