All Bluffton Icon News

Cory-Rawson HS’s music department will hold its first-ever bakery Bingo event from 5 to 9 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 2, at the high school’s old cafeteria, 3930 County Road 26, Rawson.

Bingo cards are $1 each and prizes are baked goods. The event also includes basket raffles and concessions.

All proceeds benefit the Cory-Rawson band, choir and show choir members with fees for the music department’s Florida spring trip.

Amerigas Belles & Beaux League
Scores bowled on: Oct.13
Men’s High Game

Dave Bonnell                               248
Art Bruce                                  244
Derek Dukes                                241
Derek Dukes                                240

Women’s High Game
Gina Bloomfield                            196
Judy Amstutz                               188
Deb Green                                  184
Angie Sanchez                              171

Bluffton Lions next meeting is at noon, Tuesday, Nov. 5, in the town hall. For a review of recent Lions activities open the newsletter, which is an attachment to this story.
