Trudy Baber will receive a life membership to the Bluffton Senior Citizens Association during the Monday, March 12, monthly potluck. The dinner is at noon at the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center. Baber turns 90 this month.

Larry Armstrong, ventriloquist, will present the program. Bob Painter is the potluck master of ceremonies.

Community meals for March are on the Icon calendar. The first is Thursday, March 1, and the second is Thursday, March 15.

Both meals, open to the public, are held at the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center. There is no charge for the meals, however donations are accepted.

The March 1 meal is hosted by Ebenezer Mennonite Church. The March 15 meal is hosted by Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio. Begins begin at 6 p.m.

Here's the seven-day report for February from Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.

Date High Low Rain Snow
Feb. 21 44 33 0.13
Feb. 22 58 33
Feb. 23 42 31 0.61
Feb. 24 42 30 0.02
Feb. 25 34 26
Feb. 26 45 20
Feb. 27 50 25

More than 12,000 children and teenagers are diagnosed with cancer every year. On Wednesday, Feb. 29, about 45 Bluffton University baseball players and coaches are going bald to show they care.

Having already raised roughly $7,000 in the last month for the St. Baldrick's Foundation-which funds research for potential childhood cancer cures-the Bluffton baseball Beavers will take their support a step further on Wednesday, having their heads shaved in solidarity with young cancer victims.

Peter Suter of Shannon Theatre announced that "The Lorax" (PG) will be premiering in 2D and 3D at the theatre from March 2 to 8.

Show times follow:

2D - Every evening at 7 PM with Saturday and Sunday matinees at 1:30 PM.

3D - Every evening at 9:30 PM with Saturday and Sunday matinees at 4 PM.

Reagan Mittendorf, Zoie Joseph, Emily Jones and Brittany Crouch will blow out their birthday candles on their birthday - for the first time in four years.

The four have one thing in common - each was born on a leap year. And as you know, Feb. 29 comes around only once every 1, 460 days.

Photo by Deb Diller

Bluffton High School's String Orchestra participated in the OMEA Large Group High School State Orchestra Adjudicated Event held on Feb. 24-25 in Sandusky High School.

The string orchestra, under the direction of Rachael E. Lewis, performed in Class "B" and received a 'Superior' rating.

Music performed included "Contrast in e minor" by Feese, "Lullaby" by William Hofeldt and "M to the 3rd Power" by Carold Nunez.

Bluffton's Relay for Life teams will meet on Thursday, March 1, in the third floor of the town hall, according to Adam Blevins of the American Cancer Society.

Committee meetings are at 6:30 p.m. and teams meet at 7 p.m. The agenda and additional information about Bluffton's Relay is on the attachment at the bottom of this story.

Local teens will be tuning in at the library as Bluffton Public Library celebrates the annual Teen Tech Week March 4-10. They join thousands of other libraries and schools across the country that are celebrating this year's theme, "Geek Out @ your library(R)."

Teen Tech Week is a national initiative of the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) aimed at teens, their parents, educators and other concerned adults.

The parents of the Bluffton High School junior class are in the process of organizing Post Prom activities for Saturday, April 21.

The goal is to provide a fun, safe and enjoyable evening. Post prom will include various chaperoned games and activities for student participation. The committee hopes to collect enough donated items so that every BHS junior and senior who attends will receive a door prize.

The committee is inviting area businesses to provide door prizes. Donations are tax deductible. All donations will be listed in the Post Prom program as a contributor.
