Tis the season for Bluffton chamber updates

By Paula Scott

In September students go back to school and Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce (BACC) members go back to monthly meetings. That means leaving the house a little earlier than usual to make it to a 7:00 a.m. breakfast meeting, but the coffee is hot and the breakfast is ready made.

For this BACC member meeting, Citizens National Bank was the sponsor and Kira’s Flipside Grill was the breakfast provider, featuring items from the restaurant’s new brunch menu.

The networking event gives all members present the opportunity to make announcements, which began with CNB’s Steve Ritter, who warned guests about the growing problem of fraudulent callers who pretend to be your bank, Medicare, etc. and ask you for sensitive personal information. “Banks don’t ask for these things,” he cautioned.

Members were introduced to Bluffton Police Department officer Hope Hannah who will be updating emergency contact information for local businesses.

Seasonal news included the return of the chamber’s scarecrow decorating contest, which fills the gap between flower pots and Christmas decorations.

This program was introduced in 2022 and is coordinated by Liz Gordon-Hancock. Businesses and groups can adopt a lamp post or install a scarecrow at their place of business. (Additional information is HERE.)

Chamber director Jim Enneking announced that Blaze of Lights parade applications and fundraising would soon be in member in-boxes. The theme for parade floats and storefront decorations is “A Journey Through Time.”

Anna Kaufman announced that Bluffton will be welcoming a refugee family from the Democratic Republic of Congo. She discussed volunteer opportunities with childcare, job training and speaking English.

The main program was a presentation by CASA, a program of Crime Victim Services of Allen and Putnam Counties. Court Appointed Special Advocate (and Guardian ad Litem) volunteers “advocate for the best interest of abused, neglected and dependent children. 

Continuously trained volunteers focus on investigation and assessment, relationships, and report to the courts so each child can have a safe and permanent home.” 

In October, the organization will hold Tuesday-Thursday evening Pre-Service Training. Email [email protected] to sign up or schedule a one-on-one Information session.

The BACC meets on the second Friday of the month, September-June. The next member meeting will be Friday, October 13. Ten Thousand Villages will provide a program on Fair Trade and GROB Systems will be the sponsor.