Maple Crest, Bluffton senior living retirement community, last week officially welcomed nine new residents through a party titled “Welcome in the New Year Baby!”
Dr. Oliver Lugibihl opened the event with several poems about the seasons and surprised everyone at the end of his speech by providing two bottles of old-fashioned Sassafras Tea for the refreshment time.
Larry Burkhalter, on the violin, and Joanne Niswander, accompanying on piano, provided entertainment, beginning with “Cradle-Song” by Johannes Brahms (in keeping with the baby theme).
A pre-season training program for track and field athletes will be offered Feb. 5-28 at BFR Sports & Fitness, according to Carole Enneking of BFR.
Jumpstart Track will use running and strength training to improve physical condition as well as teach the mechanics of starts and explosion. Eight, one-hour sessions on Tuesday
and Thursday nights (8-9 p.m.) are included for the cost of $90.
Today Gov. John R. Kasich formally asked the General Assembly to convene a special joint session in Lima on Feb. 19 for his annual State of the State address.
Continuing a tradition he began last year at Steubenville’s Wells Academy, the top-ranked public school in the state, Kasich’s decision to deliver the State of the State outside the capital again is rooted in his desire to make state government more accessible to Ohioans and shine a light on communities across Ohio making contributions to the state’s success.
The Henry P. Huber Scholarship committee is currently accepting applications for the 2013-2014 school year.
Applications may be acquired from the Guidance Counselor at Bluffton High School, the Superintendent's office in the Bluffton Elementary School and from the Citizens National Bank in Bluffton.
Applicants are required to submit with their application, whether a high school senior or currently enrolled in college, the most recent transcript of their academic program. Applications must be filed with the committee by May 25, 2013.
Because The Icon is a small business, we are a member of Bluffton Center for Entrepreneurs. BCE has its own website and facebook. We encourage Icon viewers interested in becoming entrepreneurs or who own small businesses to check out the BCE sites.
One of the recent additionals to the site is a column from SCORE. It's called "Seven Ways to control chaos in your small business."
Bluffton Relay For Life is looking for local talent interested in preforming at the Bluffton Relay for Life.This year's Relay is Friday, June 21, at Salzman Stadium at Bluffton University. Anyone interested contact Edna Conkling at 419-234-4120.